EAGLE     Robert W

White Point Loran Stn, Battle Harbour NL


EARLE     John

Began as a RO in 1954. Retired in 1990.



Earlton rdo range

EATON     Aaron


EATON     George

Fame Point

EATON     J.H.

[DOT Radio Operator Roll Call Update by John Gilbert]

[VE5NO 1936] [Resolution Island 1936]

ÉBACHER     Sébastien





[DOT Radio Operator Roll Call Update by John Gilbert]

[VE1BO 1949-1951]  [Sable Island 1949-1951]

EDGE     Arthur (Art)


EDGE     L.A.

[DOT Radio Operator Roll Call Update by John Gilbert]

[VE3BTN 1948-1949, VE8TA 1951]

[Armstrong 1948-1949, Cambridge Bay 1951]

EDGE     Les

Saskatoon -EL Thunder Bay & Winnipeg -He retired as RI in Winnipeg



EDMUNDS     Jeffrey




 R.I.P. 1960  Naval Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy during the First World War. Was Director of the Canadian Government Radio Branch in 1921. He ordered all Ham Operators to dismantle and render inoperative all radio equipment at the beginning of World War II.




EDWARDS     Joyce



EGAN     William (Bill)


EGILO     Dave


EINARSON     Bryan


EL KARAMA     Younes






ELLIOTT     Dorothy



ELLIOTT     George W.

 R.I.P. 2011   Began in the RCMP Marine Division as a radio operator. Moved to DOT as a RO then moved on to airport administration. Was OIC in Baker Lake, NWT in 1961. Retired from the Department of Transport in 1989.


ELLIOTT     H (Harold)

Thunder Bay in 1984 - RO2 in 1984 -He died in Thunder Bay


Ennadai Lake NWT


ELLIOTT     Phil


ELLIOTT     Samuel



OIC Alert Bay


Earlton rdo range

ELLIS     E.R.

Oshawa Wireless Stn (DOT ? )


ELLIS     S.J.

_R.I.P. 1952   (1920-1952) Superintendent Toronto - Killed in a Accident in 1952 - East Coast Marine station to Radio Regulations Maritimes


EMPEY     Wilburn


ENG     David


ENGEL     Larry



ENGLISH     E.T. (Earl)

Radio Operations in Ottawa HQ.-RO -He retired in Ottawa.


ENGLISH      Gérald

VAW/Killinek, Coast Guard vessels , VCG/Riv au Renard/ Riv aux Renards

ENGLISH      John

Lac Eon Riv aux Renards


ENGLISH     Robert

He was a Radio Operator with Transport Canada for 30 years and he worked at 10 radio stations from 1966 to 1996... Il fut opérateur radio à Transports Canada pendant 30 ans et il a travaillé dans 10 stations de radio de 1966 à 1996.


ENSOR     R.E.

Goose Bay Marine stn

EOLFSON     Fred


EPP     E J (Ernie)

Kenora EL-4 in 1984

ERAMCHUK     Colleen


ERIC     Michel



ERVIN    Robert Fraser

_R.I.P. 2015   Joined the Department of Transport in 1939 as a Radio Operator. Retired from DOT in 1973.


ESCOBAR     Manuel


ESSEX     E E (Ed)

Thunder Bay -EL-4 in 1984 -He retired in Thunder Bay

ESSEX     Jim

Retired as District manager Regs Calgary - ( ? )


ESTABROOKS     Maurice

_R.I.P. 2004  


ETHIER     Jonathan


ETHIER     Louis


ETTRICK     Vilma



EUSTACHE     Lucille


EVANOFF     Margaret-Ann


EVANOFF     Nick

RO Resolute Bay, Sioux Lookout, Chesterfield Inlet, Saskatoon and Ottawa – Moved to EMO Ottawa - ( ? )

EVANS     Phil

Sparks in the British Merchant marine in the early 70s. PMG 1st class Certificate in Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony. Volunteer with the Canadian Power and Sail (Shediac) Squadron. Runs VHF marine ROC course a couple of times each year.

EVANS     R.L.

Bull Harbour radio station

[DOT Radio Operator Roll Call Update by John Gilbert]

[VE7AJB 1948]  [Bull Harbour Radio Stn, Shushartie 1948]

EWANCHUK      Allan

Whitehorse; Dawson City

EWART     Dave

Toronto Regional Office -EL ( ? )

EWERT     Stan

I was at VAM Cape St. James B.C. 1952. I operated VE7SJ while there and then at QR Regina Radio Range 53/54. Current callsign VE5SC (Box 17, White City Sk. S4L 5B1)


EWING     Magaret Jean

_R.I.P. 1953   Was a Radio Operator in the early 40s. Worked for the Monitoring Service in Ottawa at the Experimental Farm and Glencoe.


EWING     Stuart Douglas

Clyde River NWT.  Became a Radio Operator during World War II. Worked for Transport Canada for over 37 years. Retired in 1980

[DOT Radio Operator Roll Call Update by John Gilbert]

[VE8MF 1947-1948]  [Clyde River 1948]



_R.I.P. 2019   Former RO and RI with DOT



Sable Island, NS