Mike LeBlanc






Mike LeBlanc in Moncton - 1989

I am retiring at the end of December 2014 and thought I would post a few pics of myself and colleagues representing what I basically did at Communications Canada/Industry Canada.

(...See the photo album at the bottom of the page)


Cheers and Merry Christmas


Mike LeBlanc P.Eng. | ing.
Regional Spectrum Engineer

Ingénieur régional du spectre

Spectrum and Telecommunications

Spectre et télécommunications


Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
Moncton NB

Scroll this page for Mike's goodbye message at retirement.....

Atlantic Intercom - March 1990



As some of you know, Dec 30th, 2014  will be my last working day at IC as I plan to retire after 32+ years of service. (Wow.this feels a bit weird.!)


I wanted to take the opportunity now, prior to the Christmas Holidays,  to express to you that it was a pleasure working with you  all these years.


The happy memories at IC are plenty and I am going to miss you all.   It is amazing how radio/telecommunications has developed over that last 32 years and I can just imagine what is in store for the future,  however.it feels right for me to retire now.


To my HQ colleagues, your assistance in helping me with spectrum policy matters was greatly appreciated.  Many of you were young professionals and new to the department when we first met.  It's been a pleasure watching you develop into the spectrum policy experts that you are today.  Peter Hsiung will now be looking after Microwave policy matters for the Atlantic-Ontario Region (AOR). 


To my regional district colleagues, I am going to miss assisting you and your clientele. 


To the AOR Regional Ops members, it's been a pleasure being a part of your team.


To my IC Moncton Office colleagues,  (approximately 8 left of what used to be 45 strong)  hang in there!


I wish you all good health & happiness and good luck with all the current and future challenges that are planned for you with the department.  


Again. Merry Christmas, have a happy New Year and  Cheers to you all ! (see photo above.LOL)



December 18, 2014


PS.if you ever plan to visit New Brunswick, feel free to contact me ***. Rose May and  I always enjoy cracking open a few lobsters and having a brew or two with guests at our cottage.


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Mike LeBlanc's Photo Album

Album photo de Mike LeBlanc


 1987 - Project Interact - New wave in spectrum management

1987 - Projet Interact - Nouvelle vague en gestion du spectre


1990 - The Engineering Challenge

1990 - Le défi de l'ingéniérie


2000  -  Quebec Spectrum Wins Award

2000  -  De bonnes nouvelles pour la Gestion du spectre, Québec


2011 - Microwave Training - Toronto

2011 - Formation en micro-ondes - Toronto