MIRS - An integrated monitoring system


The new Mobile Integrated Remote System (MIRS) was developed by the Ontario Regional Standards Commitee and built by the talented crew at Acton. It was put to the test at the Sherbrooke field office with  Inspector Mario Coté


Click on the photos to enlarge


The work station is in front of the vehicle, with a screen and a switching patch panel.


The computer and all other equipment are in the back.


Antennaes can be connected to the different



( Spectrum analyzer, Icom or Spectrum explorer)

The installation

You can see the DF antenna and the small GPS antenna

on top of the console

which can be moved to the roof of the vehicle.


The power unit (Yellow) is above the DF and the FSP-7 spectrum analyzer

(the only one that can be taken out).


On the right, from the top, the programmable power bar,

the laptop,

an Icom receiver and a spectrum  explorer.

All are remotely operated from the front.


The monitor showing the received signal spectrum

and the DF screen.

Topographical data is available onboard

and is treated by a MapInfo module.

Here, the MIRS is shown in red

and the wanted station is mapped, also in red.

The green line shows the bearing obtained

from the Direction Finder.


Laval May 18 2007  


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